15 March 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: Want by Cindy Pon

Here is where I share with you my anticipation for upcoming books! Breaking the Spine has introduced me to this and I am super excited to get to participate. Please feel free to comment what books you are looking forward to as well!!

Synopsis: Jason Zhou survives in a divided society where the elite use their wealth to buy longer lives. The rich wear special suits, protecting them from the pollution and viruses that plague the city, while those without suffer illness and early deaths. Frustrated by his city’s corruption and still grieving the loss of his mother who died as a result of it, Zhou is determined to change things, no matter the cost.

With the help of his friends, Zhou infiltrates the lives of the wealthy in hopes of destroying the international Jin Corporation from within. Jin Corp not only manufactures the special suits the rich rely on, but they may also be manufacturing the pollution that makes them necessary.

Yet the deeper Zhou delves into this new world of excess and wealth, the more muddled his plans become. And against his better judgment, Zhou finds himself falling for Daiyu, the daughter of Jin Corp’s CEO. Can Zhou save his city without compromising who he is, or destroying his own heart?

This futuristic read sounds like the perfect book that is appealing to everyone. With a fast paced plot, Asian MC, and corrupt society polluted by the wealthy elite, Cindy Pon sets us up for an immaculately cultivated adventure set in Taipei, Taiwan. 2017 seems like the year for an increase in diverse YA novels and I have honestly never felt more happy about a lineup of releases. I've been waiting for a very long time to see myself portrayed in YA novels as a heroine and with the amount of books written by Asian authors and featuring Asian casts, (Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, A Line in the Dark, Warcross, When Dimple Met Rishi, American Panda, The Bone Witch, etc etc.) I feel like we're getting closer to the representation we as POC, in general, deserve. 

Want is definitely a book you want to place on your TBR and plan on having Cindy Pon's books blow you away in the near future. Want is released June 13th, 2017!! 

12 March 2017

Books as Corgis #2

Hello and welcome to another edition of Books as Corgis. I got so many positive comments on the first one, that I thought I might as well continue bringing you these joyous posts. Please welcome, Books as Corgis #2!

Of Poseidon
by Anna Banks

  • this corgi has taken on a mermaids tail and so, I've paired her with of poseidon (even though I haven't read it yet). pretty sure the main character of this book is a mermaid and there's romance involved in-between the waves of the ocean with a human boy. it sounds quite promising and since there aren't an abundance of mermaid novels to choose from, I should pick this one up soon. while reading it, maybe I'll pick up one of those mermaid tails tibby has.
Summer of Sloane
by Erin L. Schneider

  • summer of sloane was one of my favorite debuts of 2016. the story was so easy to read and yet so addicting; I fell in love with the characters and the setting (you can read my review for it here if you're interested). this corgi here reminded me of the Hawaiian setting with his floral shirt and laid-back style. I sure wish I was laying in the sand with my best friends and this cute pup by my side.
The Darkest Minds
by Alexandra Bracken

  • the darkest minds has a cast of characters is single handedly one of the best squads ever in existence. ruby, liam, zu, and chubs, the four of them save the world and carry each other's weight on their shoulders and I just love them so much. in this picture of corgis, you see seven little ones which I consider a squad equivalent to that of the black betty squad. plus, ruby, liam, zu, and chubs are like puppies anyways, so it works out.
by Marissa Meyer

  • for this corgi with a donut around its nose, I decided to use heartless, just because it was the first book that came to my mind when I thought of baking. I'm sure y'all already know that catherine makes some of the most succulent treats, because I was always hungry whilst reading it. now, if you have a book that has more food in it, please tell me in the comments below, because I'm always looking for books like that. 
by Lucy Keating

  • for some reason, the way this corgi's eyes are closed reminds me of the cover of dreamology. if you're looking for a very cute contemporary read with magic realism, this is the perfect book for you. this was, again, one of my favorite debuts of 2016 (they killed it - they really did). I love how calm and precious this corgi looks. I wish I could find this much bliss, but alas, college is love college is life.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this post! Once again, I had so much fun looking for books to pair with these corgis. I find that my google search history is always extremely strange after these posts (I searched up YA books with donuts, so). Thanks for stopping by!!

01 March 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller

Here is where I share with you my anticipation for upcoming books! Breaking the Spine has introduced me to this and I am super excited to get to participate. Please feel free to comment what books you are looking forward to as well!!

Synopsis: Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class―and the nobles who destroyed their home. 

When Sal steals a flyer for an audition to become a member of The Left Hand―the Queen's personal assassins, named after the rings she wears―Sal jumps at the chance to infiltrate the court and get revenge.

But the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. And as Sal succeeds in the competition, and wins the heart of Elise, an intriguing scribe at court, they start to dream of a new life and a different future, but one that Sal can have only if they survive.

I am so incredibly excited for Mask of Shadows. This book features a gender fluid main character, which, quite frankly, I have never ever read about in a YA novel before (if there are more books featuring gender fluid characters, please let me know in the comments below, I'd love to check them out!). This diversity aspect of the book already has me so freakin stoked, but the synopsis also pitches it as perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo. Books that are driven by revenge are honestly my favorite books ever. The passion that drives these characters forward is a force unlike anything you could ever encounter, which makes the book and its story that much more compelling. Also, I love assassins and anything that involves competitions - which I assume is why it is compared to that of SJM. The cover for this book is also wonderfully crafted, I love the intricate design and color scheme. I am ready for this duology to blow me away and potential (probably) crush me.

Mask of Shadows releases September 5th, 2017.