03 February 2016

January Wrap-Up!

Hey everyone! I cannot believe the first month of 2016 is already over. For this month, I was getting back into the swing of school and everything with new classes and a totally different schedule to get used to, so I wasn't really in my usual comfort zone when it came to reading/blogging. This month, however, I really plan to get back to my normal schedule!

Books I've Read


I'm a bit disappointed in the number of books I read this month, but alas, we all have those days weeks months. 

  • The Love That Split The World //  Review
  • These Vicious Masks // ★ Review
  • Heir of Fire // ★ Review
Currently Reading


I certainly hope I can keep up with everything this month, because I can't deal with the lack of books I read! I hope softball and dance doesn't drain the life from me, so stay tuned for more details. 


  1. Even though you only read 3 books this month, it seems like you really enjoyed them! Quality over quantity, of course. And they're like so hyped up in the book community, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. And you're reading both Queen of Shadows and Falling Kingdoms? Those books are HUGE! I hope you'll enjoy it and have a great month!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

  2. I'm really intrigued by These Vicious Masks, it sounds like something I would really enjoy and I can't wait to read it. Also, I'm a huge fan of the TOG series, and Heir of Fire is my favorite book of the series, so I'm glad you liked it. Hopefully you can read as much as you want in february!

    Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess

  3. I've heard so much good about The Love That Split The World. I really want to read it!
