Synopsis: A group of friends start a secret society in this out-of-control thriller from the author of The Telling and The Creeping that examines the all-consuming love of lifelong friendship—and what someone is capable of when they’re afraid of losing it.
Izzie loves nothing more than her three best friends, Viv, Graham, and Harry, and the bond the four of them share. And she’s terrified of their friendship falling apart next year when they go off to college. To bind them together, she decides to create that will belong only to them, a special thing that they’ll always share between the four of them. And so they dream up the Order of IV, a secret society devoted to mischief that rights wrongs and pays back debts. At first, it works like a charm—but when the Order of IV’s escapades get recognition beyond their wildest expectations, other people start wanting in. And soon, what started as a game of friendship is spiraling into something dangerous and beyond their control—and before it’s over, they’ll pay the ultimate sacrifice.
In preparation for the release of this mischievous book, I've put together a playlist with all of the songs I felt really fit with the book and its themes and some that just gave me all the right vibes. FIRST WE WERE IV is the perfect read for anyone in the mood for a thrilling, mysterious, and dark adventure. With vivid imagery, intriguing writing, and an overall exciting plot, Alexandra Sirowy has blown me away with her story. Make sure to catch the giveaway at the end of this post and lemme know how you enjoy this playlist!
Publication Date: July 25th, 2017
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Alexandra Sirowy is the author of the young adult thrillers THE CREEPING, the Bram Stoker Award® Nominated THE TELLING, and the upcoming FIRST WE WERE IV. Alexandra attended a women's college as an undergrad and received her graduate degree in International Studies. When she isn't writing, she loves to travel, read, eat, and get into mischief. She lives with her husband in Northern California.
One signed ARC of FIRST WE WERE IV