Here is where I share with you my anticipation for upcoming books! Breaking the Spine has introduced me to this and I am super excited to get to participate. Please feel free to comment what books you are looking forward to as well!!
Synopsis: Nix's life began in Honolulu in 1868. Since then, she has traveled to mythic Scandinavia, a land from the tales of One Thousand and One Nights, modern-day New York City, and many more places both real and imagined. As long as he has a map, Nix's father can sail his ship, The Temptation, to any place, any time. But now he's uncovered the one map he's always sought - 1868 Honolulu, before Nix's mother died in childbirth. Nix's life - her entire existence- is at stake. No one knows what will happen if her father changes the past. It could erase Nix's future, her dreams, her adventures ... her connection with the charming Persian thief, Kash, who's been part of their crew for two years. If Nix helps her father reunite with the love of his life, it will cost her her own.
Wow, look at that synopsis! I've been super excited about this release of this book for a while now. It's a perfect blend of fantasy, history, and little romance. I've heard many great things about Heidi Heilig's brilliant and witty writing, so I'm itching to get my hands on this 2016 release!
The Girl From Everywhere is released February 16th, 2016!