
The Coffee Book Tag

*all graphics used in this post were made by Giselle herself! creds to you, gee!!

The always awesome, ever so great Giselle over at A Book and a Cup of Coffee recently tagged me in The Coffee Book Tag, and I just had to do it! Despite my lack of a knack for coffee, I just loved the idea and premise of this, so here goes it. 

So this series isn't tough to get into, but the fans are extremely loyal and scary. That series is Divergent. The fans will attack and defend at even the slightest bit of a diss against their favorite Fourtris moment. 

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle. I always see along with My True Love Gave To Me become more popular during the Winter and I certainly don't see why not! Everyone loves a good holiday romance, so why not enjoy a good peppermint mocha while reading these three jolly stories.

My favorite children's book has to be Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo! That little mouse brought me so much joy as a child and I can still remember reading this story out in the backyard when the year was nearing November.

Cress by Marissa Meyer is the last book I read that had me on the edge of my seat. This book was full of suspense and incredible plot building. It was completely enthralling and kept me turning the pages faster than my mind could keep up. Watch out for my review of Cress! 

A book that I've been seeing everywhere lately is Winter by Marissa Meyer! Considering this the final, epic installment of the Lunar Chronicles, the promo is incredibly well deserved. After hearing so much about Winter, I picked up Cinder and haven't been able to put the series down since. I'm currently reading Winter and am extremely excited to read this finale!

Shoutout to Heidi Heilig and The Girl From Everywhere which I am so extremely excited to read! Heidi is extremely sweet and I've heard nothing but amazing things about her debut, which is why it is one of my most anticipated reads!

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. Although I enjoyed most of this book,  I found it terribly slow. While the writing was impeccable, I just could not dive into the book as much as I wanted to. I ended up skimming the ending in order to move on! Though this was a tough read for me, I've heard greater things about the sequel, This Shattered World, so I'll give that a shot soon!

The Mara Dyer Trilogy by Michelle Hodkin. The trilogy had me on an intense roller coaster ride with no seatbelt. I was pummeled and spit on, and brought so much pain, but I loved it. Of course there could never be enough Madness, so with Michelle writing the Shaw Chronicles I will be left satisfied for now - especially knowing that there's more to come.

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. There is something so unique about the writing style of this book that was captivating and intriguing.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling had me dreaming of dragons and faraway lands for weeks. Considering Harry Potter is all magic and a giant castle, it seems only fit that I'm dreaming of attending Hogwarts and visiting distant wizarding worlds.

Yikes, considering I've only ever read one classic I guess by default it's my favorite? (slaps self) My by default favorite classic would be The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

and now I tag you, yes you, to complete this extravagant tag - even if you don't drink coffee (like me)