For any post here I am simply grabbing a book and turning to page 56 and choosing a couple of lines that grab my attention. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice.
TGIF! Here's one of my favorite books of all time by the wonderful Marie Lu. I hope you all decide to pick it up and enjoy it as much as I did!
"I gingerly move my ankle in a circle. It's a little stiff, but otherwise pretty painless - no torn muscles, no serious swelling. My bullet wound still burns and my ribs ache something fierce, but this time I'm strong enough to sit up without too much trouble. My hands go automatically up to my hair, which is loose and hanging past my shoulders. With one hand, I pull it up into a messy tail and twist it into a tight knot. Then I lean over Tess, grab my beaten newsboy cap from the chair, and pull it on. My arms burn from the effort."