For any post here I am simply grabbing a book and turning to page 56 and choosing a couple of lines that grab my attention. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice.
Woohoo! It's that time of the week again folks! Happy Friday 56
In honor of just watching the movie this morning, I decided to dedicate this Friday 56 to John Green and the beautiful novel, Paper Towns.
"She opened the stairwell door and we were inside a huge room with an oak tabs as long as two cars, and a long bank of floor-to-ceiling windows. "Conference room," she said. "It's got the best view in the whole building." I followed her as she walked along the windows. "Okay, so there," she said pointing, "is Jefferson Park. See our houses? Lights still off, so that's good." She moved over a few panes. "Jase's house. Lights off, no more cop cars. Excellent, although it might mean he's made it home, which is unfortunate.'"