Would you rather be locked in a room with Voldemort or Bellatrix?
First off, I would like to tell you that I despise Bellatrix Lestrange with all of my heart. One, she used the Cruciatus Curse on Frank and Alice Longbottom, torturing them into insanity. Second, she killed her cousin Sirius Black (my fave) with absolutely no remorse. Lastly, she is definitely more likely to hex me than Voldemort, which is why I would rather be locked in a room with Voldemort.
I'm sure Voldy and I will exchange a lot of awkward banter, as well as share a few nasty looks. However, I think getting to know Voldy will be a bit easy since he seems to be more of a talker/listener than Bellatrix.
Who would you want to be locked in a room with?